21 December 2023

Visit to Yaraguia – Ballardong Country

23 August 2023

Murdoch Student Information Session

20 July 2023

The Ecological Society of Australia Annual Conference 2023

07 July 2023

NAIDOC Week 2023: For Our Elders

Left to right from top: Assessing the seeding from earlier in the year; Trevor and Michael surveying remnant vegetation; the striking Spiked Eremophila (Eremophila calorhabdos); Michael with Bale-hook Eremophila (Eremophila dicroantha); Simone demonstrates a seed cleaning technique to Lachlan and Sean; Lachlan picking quandong (Santalum acuminatum) fruits; Haylee’s first taste of Quandong; gorgeous views of the Esperance Bay from Wylie Bay Rock

15 December 2022

Curtin University team and Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation