
Ryan Borrett

PhD Student - Ecohealth

Ryan Borrett is a PhD student at Murdoch University researching acoustic ecology and how the soundscapes of ecosystems can inform and relate to restoration, biodiversity, community wellbeing, and connections to Country.

Ryan holds a BSc in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology from Curtin University with Honours in Environmental Science from Murdoch University where he investigated soil microbiota and its recovery post-mining, a project he began through Kings Park Science’s Summer Scholarship program. Ryan has also worked as a Research Assistant at Murdoch University in data analysis and visualisation on a restoration and carbon project.

Prior to starting his PhD, Ryan worked as Science Communications Coordinator for SoilsWest, applying expertise in creating and amplifying science stories and advocating for research and its application. This role, as well as previously with Carbon Neutral, developed Ryan’s experience in design and communication of science in an environmental context, with a focus in regional Western Australia. Ryan has a keen interest in exploring new ways and technologies to conduct and share science, particularly creative approaches, and is also interested in the political and philosophical aspects of science and the environment.

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