Chief Investigators

Professor Fiona Stanley

Professor Fiona Stanley

Professor Fiona Stanley is Founding Director & Patron, Telethon Kids Institute, a unique multidisciplinary independent research institute focussing on the causes and prevention of major problems affecting children and youth; Distinguished Research Professor, UWA; Hon Professorial Fellow, Uni Melb; UNICEF Ambassador; Scientific Advisor Doctors for the Environment; Board Director Ian Potter Foundation; and Scientific advisor Poche Centre for Aboriginal leadership.

She trained overseas in Epidemiology and Maternal & Child Health, established population data sets in WA including registers of major childhood problems, championed record linkage, and pioneered First Nations leadership in research. For her research on behalf of Australia’s children and Aboriginal social justice, she was named Australian of the Year in 2003. More recently she has become a spokesperson for the Climate Council, Doctors for the Environment Australia and, on the health effects of climate change.

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