Partner Organisation Committee

Luke Bayley

South Coast NRM

With over 20 years of experience in the not-for-profit sector, Luke Bayley is a passionate and visionary leader in nature conservation and community development.

He is the CEO of South Coast NRM, an organisation that inspires and empowers people to care for nature for the benefit of future generations and for nature itself. He has also recently stepped down as the Chair of Desert Blue Connect, an organisation that provides health and wellness services to women and families affected by domestic violence across the mid-west of WA.

Luke has a proven track record of managing complex and diverse portfolios of conservation programs, Aboriginal partnerships, land and infrastructure assets, and fundraising initiatives. He has successfully led regional corporations and strategic projects across regional and remote Australia, collaborating with various stakeholders and communities. He has also developed a strong understanding of corporate governance through his accredited training and his involvement in numerous directorships and chairmanships. Luke is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and the Australian Rural Leadership Program and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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