Centre News

30 June 2023

2023 Sustainability Challenge Yarning Circle

This week, Healing Country led a yarning circle with Curtin University students partaking in the ‘Nature Positive’ theme within the new Sustainability Challenge unit at Curtin University.

Christian, Grace and Damon discussed a number of topics with the students including:
⁃ Providing their individual meaning of and connection to Country as young Indigenous people,
⁃ The importance of meaningful consultation and relationships with Indigenous groups for restoration projects and alike,
⁃ Encouraging the students to form and identity their own connections to Country, and
⁃ Not being afraid to make mistakes when consulting with Indigenous groups, opening your heart to have a conversation and potentially making a small mistake is far less detrimental than not having a conversation at all.

Our team really appreciated being part of this yarning circle and were both impressed and excited to hear about some of the students ideas. Thanks to Josh Byrne for inviting us along and to the students for an open, respectful and exciting conversation.